CRAM methodology (User’s Manual)
Version 6.0 released March 2012
Changes in this version
- Removed text from Chapter 4: Guidelines for Scoring CRAM Metrics.
This information is now maintained in individual field books.
- Removed some text from Chapter 3: Procedures for Using CRAM.
This information is now maintained in individual field books.
- Removed Appendix VI. This information is now maintained in the Vernal Pools field books.
- Updated Appendix III with additional definitions
- Updated References section with additional citations
- Changed authorship, removed original Core and Regional Team information, added L2 Committee members.
- Revised several figures and tables
- Replaced Seasonal Estuarine wetland sub-type with Bar-built estuarine wetland sub-type
- Revised wording throughout the document to be consistent with recent developments in CRAM
and wetland assessment in California.
- Fixed typos; updated heading and table of contents
Version 5.0.2 released 9/30/08
Changes in this version
- Added section on version history of CRAM methodology and fixed typos
- Added paragraph in Section 2.3.1 to explain separation of assessments of condition and stress
- Added note to Section that the depressional module was primarily based on perennial depressional wetlands and caution should be applied in the interpretation of scores in seasonal depressional wetlands
- Corrected text in various Sections to eliminate inconsistencies in terminology
- Updated figures in Chapter 3
- Revised the ratings for scoring Structural Patch Richness for Estuarine wetlands
Version 5.0.1 released 10/17/07
Changes in this version
- Minor wording changes for clarification
Version 5.0.0 released 9/18/07
Changes in this version
- Version numbering changed from 4.6 to 5.0—no other changes
Version 4.6 released 9/10/07
Changes in this version
- Substantial changes in nearly all areas
Version 4.2.3 released 11/1/06
Changes in this version
- Reorganized volume 2 into three sections: Assessment Forms, Narratives, Tables & Figures; typos fixed
Version 4.2.2 released 8/17/06
Changes in this version
- Added ciation to title page; typos fixed
Version 4.2.1 released 8/10/06
Changes in this version
- Vol 1, p. 15: Table 2.2, added new metric name Plant Community and bulleted its four component submetrics
- Vol 1, p. 36: Added language prescribing the calculation of mean submetric score in order to arrive at Plant Community metric value; in Table 3.8, changed expected maximum value of Biotic Structure attribute from 84 to 36 for Playas and Vernal Pools and 48 for all other wetland classes.
- Vol 1, pp. 68-71: Changed “metric” to “submetric” for discussion of the four submetrics of the Plant Community metric.
- Vol 2, pp.145-6: removed wrackline or organic debris in channel or on floodplain from worksheet 2 since this patch type is not expected in playas.
- Vol 2, p. 55: Revised “D” narrative for number of plants layers present from "No layers are present" to "0-1 layer is present".
- Vol 2, pp. 133, 149, 166: Removed shading from scoring sheet for Interspersion and Zonation since this metric is assessed for vernal pools and playas
- Vol 2: Revised scoring forms to incorporate Plant Community metric
Version 4.2.0 released 8/4/06
Changes in this version
- Split into two volumes: main manual and assessment forms
- Created separate volume for assessment forms - all supporting documents included with each class
- Updated entrenchment ratio and hydrologic connectivity metric bins
- Revised bins for percent co-dominant species that are non-native
- Added confined v. unconfined diagram
- Revised scoring to a 1-12 scale for all metrics
Version 4.1 released 7/11/06
Changes in this version
- Separated estuarine class into two sub-classes: saline and non-saline
Version 4.0 released 5/25/06